Lease Agreement

The following lease agreement between Kauffman Family Rentals LLC, hereinafter called Owner, and _____________________________, hereinafter called the Tenant(s) on the ____ of _______ 20___.

This lease agreement is good for the period from the ____ of _______ 20___ to the ____ of _______ 20___ and is to be considered valid until the tenant vacates the property (Check-in 3:00pm / Check-out 10:00am).

Rent includes:  water, sewerage, garbage, utility fees, 6 pool passes, 2 parking passes, use of the indoor and outdoor pools, tennis courts, racquetball courts, and complete use of the Club Ocean Villa II facility during the lease period, if available by Club Ocean Villa II.  At the end of the lease agreement, the tenants are to vacate the property and forfeit the use of the property and all of its amenities.

The Tenant agrees to the following terms of the lease:

  1. Tenant agrees to pay rent of $_____ and a security deposit of $_____.
  2. The said Tenant hereby agrees to occupy the demised premises only as living quarters and not to underlet the same or any part thereof, nor assign the lease.
  3. The Tenant agrees during the term of this lease or any continuation thereof, to keep the premises in good order and repair; and at the end of the said term or any continuation thereof to return the premises in as good and working order as they were upon arrival.
  4. The Tenant agrees to any and all Club Ocean Villa II Terms and Policies.

The Tenant also agrees to Club Ocean Villa II Terms and Policies:

  1. That the public halls, passageways, stairways, and landings will be kept clean and not used for any other purpose than for ingress to or egress from the condo and other parts of the facilities.  These un-leased portions of the building being reserved for the exclusive control and regulation of the Property Management Association.
  2. Nothing shall be placed on the outside of the building, or on the windows, window sills, or projections and no signs or advertising notices of any kind shall be placed on any part of the building or on the doors of any apartment thereon.  Towels are not to be draped over fences or any other parts of the exterior.
  3. Not to bring or keep in the lease premises anything which would in any way increase the fire risk of the building or do anything which conflicts with the regulations and ordinances of the municipality or the Commonwealth. Explosives, guns, knives or obnoxious substances are not permitted on the premises.
  4. Not to bring in or keep any animals in or about the leased premises or the building or any part of the grounds.  Upon any unannounced inspection, if an animal is found to be on the property, the Tenants will be escorted from the premises in violation of this lease agreement and subject to any costs associated with the eviction.
  5. That neither he nor any of his family, guests, or visitors shall disturb or annoy the other tenants of the building, or neighbors by any unseemly or untimely noises which should cease after 10:00 pm daily.
  6. That no alterations, additions, improvements shall be made in the condo.
  7. That the Owner, or other persons granted permission to inspect the premises, shall have the right to enter the condo at reasonable hours to examine the same, or to make such repairs, additions and alterations as Owner shall deem necessary for the safety, preservation, or restoration of the building, or for the safety or convenience of the occupants thereof.
  8. That the Owner reserves the right to rescind any of these rules, and to make such other reasonable rules and regulations.
  9. That smoking is prohibited inside the condo.
  10. That the use of candles, incense, and other means of using open flames or the burning of such is prohibited on the property.
  11. The use of flamed fryers and grills are prohibited on any Club Ocean Villas II property.
  12. To not leave any food out over a period of time in which would attract ants, bugs, or other rodents, etc.
  13. If this Lease shall be terminated by Tenants default or by summary proceedings or otherwise, Owner shall be entitled to recover from the Tenant and the Tenant shall pay the Owner the following:
    1. An amount equal to all expenses, including reasonable counsel fees incurred by the Owner in recovering possessions of the Demised Premises, and
    2. All reasonable costs and charges for the care of the Demised Premises while vacant, and
    3. An amount equal to all expenses incurred by the Owner in connection with the re-letting of the Demised Premises or any part thereof, advertising expenses, and the cost of repairing, renovation or remodeling the Demised Premises, and the cost of removing the rubbish or other refuse; which amounts set forth in this subdivision; shall be due and payable by the Tenant to the Owner at such times as the expenses, costs and charges shall have been incurred.
    4. If the Tenant shall continue in the occupation of the said leased premises after the expiration of the term hereby created with the consent of the Owner, it shall be understood that the Tenant is trespassing and will be arrested immediately.
    5. It is understood and agreed no more than six person(s), including children may occupy this condo during the course of the aforementioned duration of the lease.
    6. Once the Tenant has vacated the premises, the Owner or a person employed by the owner shall complete an inspection of the premises to determine if the Tenant shall have complied with all the terms, covenants and conditions of this lease.  The Tenant is responsible for returning the rental property to the condition it was in upon vacancy.  This means that condo is to be clean, no holes in the walls, all fixtures/decoration should be intact, all personal belongings removed, and the carpets are to be free from stains/damage or the Tenant agrees to have them professionally cleaned or replaced at the Tenant’s expense.
    7. Tenant shall, upon executing hereof, deposit with the Owner as Security for the performance of all the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Lease.  This security deposit is to be retained by the Owner until the expiration of this Lease shall be returned to the Tenant provided that (1) premises have been vacated; (2) Owner shall have inspected the premises after such vacation; and (3) Tenant shall have complied with all the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease, in which event the deposit so paid hereunder shall be returned to the Tenant.  Otherwise, said sum deposited hereunder or any part thereof may be retained by Owner at its option, as liquidated damages, or may be applied by Owner against any actual loss, damage or injury chargeable to Tenant.  Owner’s determination of the amount, if any, to be returned to Tenant shall be final.
    8. Tenant relieves Owner from all liability of any kind of injury which may result from any cause whatsoever on the leased premises or the building and its grounds of which the leased premises is a part, including common walkways, driveways, parking areas, and grassy areas.
    9. Tenant agrees that the Owner assumes no responsibility for any damages that may occur to Tenant’s personal property, whether the same by contained in the condo itself or in the area provided for storage purposes.
    10. And it is further agreed that the following conditions, forfeitures, covenants and restrictions are a part of this agreement, and that each and all of them are binding upon the parties hereto:
      1. Keys shall be returned upon the termination of the Lease. There is a $100.00 charge for keys that are not returned.
      2. 6 Pool passes and 2 parking passes shall be returned to the designated location within the condo.  There is a $20 charge per pool pass and $20 charge per parking pass that isn’t returned to the condo.
      3. In the case of a lockout, there is a $100 fee.
      4. No holes should be put in any of the walls, including any hoods or adhesives.
      5. All dishes must be cleaned and put away.
      6. No existing damages to the unit upon Tenant leasing the condo.
      7. Absolutely no pets are allowed.
      8. Smoking is no allowed in this residence.  If evidence of smoking is found, the Tenant shall be responsible for any repairs to remove the evidence of smoking.  For example: cleaning of ceilings, walls, repainting walls, odorizing, carpet cleaning or replacement, etc.
      9. All refunds are subject to Owner approval, which may or may not be granted.


Owner __________________________________________________ Date ________________________

Tenant __________________________________________________ Date ________________________